.NET Consulting Berlin

From Web to App and many things in between.

My name is Sascha Baumann and I am speciallized in professional and enterprise level .NET-development. My focus ranks from Windows Applications in WPF as well as Windows and Windows Phone apps to web-projects using ASP.NET MVC with client technologies and several frameworks like JQuery, AngularJS or Bootstrap. Also I am often involved with data-modelling, OR-Mapping and T-SQL-Development as well as service-oriented systems.

Learn more about me and the work I do

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What this page is NOT

This is NOT a Usergroup website. To find DotNet-Usergroups in Berlin and Brandenburg, check out these links.

DotNet Berlin-Brandenburg

This is NOT an official Microsoft publication. To find these, check out the following links

Microsoft .NET Page
Microsoft ASP.NET Page


Every now and than I'm blogging about my experience in .NET and related topics like my passion for developer productivity

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